How To Glow Skin For Male Naturally

how to glow skin for male naturally, beauty tips for boy face, beauty tips for man face, beauty tips for face at home, beauty tips English,

How To Glow Skin For Male Naturally | Best Home Tips In English



How To Glow Skin For Male Naturally
Everyone wants to look beautiful. But it is not necessary that you use high value products. The beauty of the face and the skin of the body is essential for refining. That you take special care of it. When it comes to the beauty of the face. So most men do not give it priority. This thing turns out to be even more shocking. Many people think that only normal shaving and just got ready. often happens.

Men are not as aware of the beauty, as women are. Even the men’s shaving kit and bathing are not necessarily complete. Men should take care of themselves as much as women do themselves as beauty of the hair of the head and face. What things should be taken care of for beauty, let’s know. Some easy ways to keep your beauty alive. 


Tips 1. For Men’S Face Skin….

 Nowadays There Is A Problem Regarding Face….
(i) Men Should Use Soft Cloth To Clean Their Face. If You Want To Wash Your Face, Then You Should Wash Your Hands And Face With Dettol Water. Men Should Use Some Warm Water While Washing Their Face. Due To Which Water Bacteria Do Not Sit In The Roots of The Face And The Face Avoids Being Oily.


How To Glow Skin For Male Naturally | Best Home Tips In English

Tips 2. Turmeric Powder And Milk…

(ii) Turmeric Powder And Milk Massage. Men Need For Face, Massage The Turmeric Powder And Milk, Soak The Turmeric On A Slow Hot Flame And Mix The Milk Cream In A Little Turmeric Powder, Rub It On A Thick Turmeric Oil oil Face, And Apply It Before Going To Bed Every Day And Warm It In The Morning Normal Wash With Water…


Tips 3. Asbestos Stone Corpse Conch And Small Cardamom.

Take Equal Amount of Corpse Conch And Small Cardamom And Grind It Finely on The Stone And Apply It Only Once In 6/7 Days. Corpse Conch And Small Cardamom Apply Equal Quantity of Finely Grounded And Basil Leaf Juice, Wash It After Half An Hour After Drying And Remember That Its Juice Should Not Be Applied In The Eyes. Massage Only on The Face…

Tips 4. Use of Cucumber Tomato Onion.

Use Cucumber Tomato Onion. Take Equal Quantity of These Three Juices And Massage Them on The Face After 20-20 Minutes And Wash Them Lightly. Glowing And Applying It To The Eyelids Increases The Coolness In The Eyes. The Mind Is Calm, So The Beauty of The Face Increases. Eating Cucumber Tomato Onion As A Salad Everyday Has A Beautiful Effect on The Face As Well As The Hair. Hair Grows And Face Becomes Soft. 

Tips 5. Almond Oil For Face Glow.

Use of Almond Oil For Skin, Almond Has Benefits of Hair Along With Benefits of Face With _ It Contains Potassium Magnesium With vitamin And Calcium. Which Are Healthy For Body And Face Too. Finely Grind 10 Grams of Almonds And Apply on The Face And Wash After One Hour. By Doing This Every Day, You Will Feel Different From Yourself.

Men’s Hair And Gym Work Care —–Tips In English

Tip 1. Gym Fitness Work
Hair enhances our personality, enhances beauty.
(i) For this, we must do Morning Walk daily. Should run 2 3 minutes daily. Yoga should be practiced. (12 types of sun ascension (Surya Namaskar) Excercise should do gym

Go to the gym every day.

(ii) Kapalabhati, Pranayama Yoga Meditation Postures daily.

(iii) Try to make the mind calm forever.

(iv) Think of as much work as possible. Thinking of more thoughts puts emphasis on the mind.


Daily Face Pack For Glowing Women’s Skin

Balon Ki Kare Oil Massage

Tip 2. Hair Massage gets rich nutrition from oil.
Hair is benefited from eating Amla, apple, coconut together.
We should massage hair 3 times a week.
Oil massage makes the mind mind (normal) calm down.
Almond- Amla, olive or coconut oil should be used for hair massage.

What to eat in food And Good Food?
Tip 3. After Morning Walk
(i) drink milk every day. According to your capability, one glass of milk should be consumed to meet the need of calcium protein. Without Milk (pure) milk, 300 milligrams of calcium is found, which provides energy to the hair. Soft, thick, thickening and strong milk I am helpful. It contains (Vitamin B-2)
(ii) It is beneficial to remove Russian by massaging the massage (buttermilk) with massage.
Applying this does not have the problem of hair loss stupidity and infected scalp.

Tip 4. Non-Vegetarian Food


(i) Eating fish removes diseases of eyes.

(ii) Fish soup is helpful in growing the hair.
(iii) Fish oil is helpful in enhancing eyesight.
(iv) Applying egg soup in the hair ends hair loss. Avoid being Russian.
(v) In the lunch you can also eat rice with fish. Which is a good light meal.
Vegetarian Food ,  (i) Eat the green fresh leaves of the spinach daily.
(ii) Eat fresh leaves of green fenugreek leaves daily.
(iii) 1 glass of apple apple juice per day.
(iv) Almonds should be eaten with turmeric milk.
(v) Eat light meals in lunch, like lentils, green vegetables fruit.


How To Glow Skin



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